Here you can find an extract of my talks, collected by year, with slides and videos.
Talk with your data: building a RAG system for searching in natural language (slides - code)
AI Festival 2025 - Milano (Italy)
Workshop: GenAI and LLM, searching data in natural language (slides)
Coderful 2025 - Catania (Italy)
Explainable AI (XAI) and Large Language Models (LLM): an impossible pairing? (slides)
AI Heroes conference 2024 - talk with Leonida Gianfagna, Turin (Italy)
Build a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) in PHP (slides - video - code)
PHP Barcelona Meetup Talks #3 by Manychat, Barcelona (Spain)
Hacking a Large Language Model: an attempt of Explainable AI (XAI) (slides - video)
Metro Olografix Camp (MOCA) 2024 - talk with Leonida Gianfagna, Pineto, Teramo (Italy)
Chat with your private data using Llama3.1 and LLPhant in PHP (slides)
PHP fwdays 2024 - Kyiv, Ukraine (online event)
Talk with your data: building a RAG system for searching (private) data in natural language (slides - code examples)
Bucharest Tech Week, Software Architecture Summit 2024 - Bucharest, Romania
Retrieval-Augmented Generation for talking with your private data using LLM (slides - code examples)
PLG Disrupt Summit 2024 - Athens, Greece
Generative AI and Large Language Model in PHP (slides - video - code examples)
PHPDay 2024 - Verona, Italy
Retrieval-Augmented Generation for talking with your private data using LLM (slides - video)
AI Heroes conference 2023 - Turin, Italy
Introduction to Large Language Models and ChatGPT (Workshop)
ReactJsDay 2023 - Verona, Italy
ChatGPT: a use case to query Elasticsearch using natural language in PHP (slides - video)
Monitoring a PHP application with OpenTelemetry (slides - video)
PHPDay 2023 - Verona, Italy
OpenTelemetry from a developer perspective (slides)
CloudConf 2023 - Torino, Italy
Develop a simple MVC framework in PHP, the use case of SimpleMVC (slides)
PUG Torino 2023 - Torino, Italy
What's new in PHP 8.2? (slides)
PUG Torino 2022 - Torino, Italy
Web API and client generation using OpenAPI specification (slides)
PHPDay 2022 - Verona, Italy
Sviluppo di applicazioni professionali in PHP 8 in Italian (slides part 1 - slides part 2)
University G. D'Annunzio Chieti - Pescara 2022 - Italy (online event)
Problems and pitfalls in the implementation of cryptographic systems (slides)
De Componendis Cifris 2021 - Italy (online event)
Programming Elasticsearch with PHP (slides - video)
PHP Conference Japan 2021 - Japan (online event)
Programming Elasticsearch with PHP (slides - video)
PHPKonf 2021 - Turkey (online event)
Test automatici nello sviluppo software in Italian (slides)
CTO Mastermind 2021 - Italy (online event)
The new features of PHP 8.1 (slides - video)
PUG Torino 2021 - Torino, Italy
Programming Elasticsearch with PHP (slides)
PHPDay 2021 - Verona, Italy (online event)
Elasticsearch & PHP (slides)
PHP UG Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar 2021 - Mannheim, Germany (online event)
Programming Elasticsearch with PHP (slides - video)
PHP Conference Brazil 2020 - online event
Programming Elasticsearch with PHP (slides - video)
Elastic Meetup 2020 - online event
PHP 8 is coming (slides - video)
LeedsPHP 2020 - Leeds (UK) - online event
PHP 8.0.0 alpha2 is out! (slides)
PUG Milano & Torino 2020 - online event
Osservabilità di applicazioni in cloud con Elastic in Italian (slides - video)
CloudConf On Air 2020 - online event
PHP 8 is coming: the new features (slides - video)
PHPDay - PUG edition 2020 - online event
8 is coming: the new PHP (slides - video)
Codemotion Meetup 2020 - online event
Refactoring legacy PHP (slides)
PUG Torino 2020 - Turin (Italy)
Develop microservices in PHP (slides)
PHP Conference Brazil 2019 - Porto Alegre (Brazil)
New features coming in PHP 7.4 (slides)
University of Turin - Computer Science Department - Turin (Italy)
Develop microservices in PHP (slides - video)
PHP.Barcelona 2019 - Barcelona (Spain)
Web API security: strategies and critical points (slides)
FullStackConf 2019 - Turin (Italy)
New features coming in PHP 7.4 (slides)
PHP User Group Meetup - Turin (Italy)
Develop microservices in PHP (slides)
PHPDay 2019 - Verona (Italy)
Develop microservices (and web APIs) in PHP (slides)
CloudConf 2019 - Turin (Italy)
The Sodium crypto library of PHP 7.2+ (slides)
Sunshine PHP 2019 - Miami, FL (USA)
- Applicazioni web professionali in PHP 7 (slides in Italian)
University of Turin - Computer Science Department - Turin (Italy)
- Develop microservices in PHP (slides)
Codemotion 2018 - Milan (Italy)
- Building a RESTful web API using Expressive (slides)
The Sodium crypto library of PHP 7.2 (slides)
ZendCon & OpenEnterprise 2018 - Las Vegas (USA)
- Speed up web APIs in PHP with Expressive (slides)
ApiConf 2018 - Turin (Italy)
- Speed up web APIs with Expressive and Swoole (slides - video)
The Sodium crypto library of PHP 7.2 (slides - video)
PHP Day 2018 - Verona (Italy)
- Develop web APIs in PHP using middleware with Expressive (slides)
Code Europe 2018 - Warsaw (Poland)
- Sviluppare applicazioni web professionali in PHP 7 (slides in Italian)
University of Turin – Computer Science Department - Turin (Italy)
- Sviluppo di Progressive Web App con PHP 7 (slides in Italian)
WebAppConf 2017 – Turin (Italy)
- Encryption, authentication and data integrity in PHP 7 (slides - video)
PHP Central Europe 2017 – Rawa Mazowiecka (Poland)
- Building Middleware Web APIs in PHP 7 with Expressive (slides)
Design Security in PHP using Middleware (slides)
The most exciting features of PHP 7.1 (slides)
ZendCon 2017 – Las Vegas NV (USA)
- Developing Web APIs using Middleware in PHP 7 (slides - video)
ApiConf 2017 – Turin (Italy)
- The most exciting features of PHP 7.1 (slides - video)
Building middleware applications with Zend Framework 3
PHP Day 2017 – Verona (Italy)
- Developing middleware web APIs in PHP 7 (slides - video)
CloudConf 2017 – Turin (Italy)
- The new features of PHP 7 (slides – video)
Codemotion 2016 – Milan (Italy)
- Build Middleware applications with Zend Framework 3 (slides – github)
Build web APIs using Zend Expressive (slides)
Encryption, authentication and data integrity in PHP 7 (slides)
ZendCon 2016 – Las Vegas NV (USA)
- Build Middleware applications with Zend Framework 3 (slides – video)
PHP Day 2016 – Verona (Italy)
- Build Middleware applications with Zend Framework 3 (slides)
Encryption, authentication and data integrity in PHP (slides)
Midwest PHP conference 2016 – Minneapolis MN (USA)
- Develop RESTful API in PHP using Apigility (slides)
Encryption, authentication and data integrity in PHP (slides)
PHP Benelux conference 2016 – Antwerp (Belgium)
- Develop RESTful API in PHP using Apigility (slides – github)
PHP Summer Camp 2015 – Rovinj (Croazia)
- Pushing boundaries: Zend Framework 3 and the future (slides – video)
PHP Day 2015 – Verona (Italy)
- Pushing boundaries: Zend Framework 3 and the future (video)
PHP Tour 2015 – Luxembourg City (Luxembourg)
- PHP 7: upcoming features (slides)
PUG Torino 2015 – Turin (Italy)
- Develop and design RESTful web API in PHP using Apigility (slides – video)
Codemotion 2015 – Rome (Italy)
- API authentication with OAuth2 in the cloud (slides)
CloudConf 2015 – Turin (Italy)
- Information Security in PHP: the CIA Triad Approach (slides)
API authentication with OAuth2 and Apigility (slides)
ZendCon 2014 – Santa Clara (USA)
- Encryption, authentication and data integrity in PHP (slides)
Dutch PHP Conference 2014 – Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- API RESTful (and RPC) for PHP with Apigility (slides – video)
phpDay 2014 – Verona (Italy)
- Experiments in code, generative art in Javascript (slides)
jsDay 2014 – Verona (Italy)
- API development: problems, solutions, and best practices (slides)
APIdays Berlin 2014 – Berlin (Germany)
- RESTful API development: problems and solutions (slides)
Cloud Conference 2014 – Turin (Italy)
- Creative programming with Open Source softwares (slides)
LUG Pescara & New Folder – Club Maze – Pescara (Italy)
- Apigility, the API builder for PHP (slides)
Zend Framework Day 2014 – Turin (Italy)
- Symfony2 and Zend Framework 2: the perfect team (slides – video)
PHP Forum 2013 – Paris (France)
- A PHP micro framework for HTTP API client (slides)
ZendCon Europe 2013 – Paris (France)
- Do you speak design patterns in PHP? (slides)
Building secure applications using Zend Framework 2 (slides)
Use OpenStack with Zend Framework 2 (slides)
ZendCon 2013 – Santa Clara (USA)
- Creative Programming: the art to create using a computer language (video)
TEDx Crocetta 2013 – Turin (Italy)
- Programmazione creativa con Processing (slides in Italian)
Digital Festival 2013 – Turin (Italy)
- Zend Framework 2 and Symfony2: The perfect team
Build a Zend Framework 2 application in less than a talk (video)
phpDay 2013 – Verona (Italy)
- Zend Developer Cloud: PHP development in the cloud (slides)
Cloud Conference 2013 – Turin (Italy)
- MVC Events and Module: the New Architecture of Zend Framework 2 (slides – video)
PHP UK Conference 2013 – London (UK)
- Sviluppo di applicazioni web sicure con Zend Framework 2 (slides in Italian)
Zend Framework Day 2013 – Milan (Italy)
- Design web applications using ZF2
Building secure web applications with ZF2
International PHP Conference 2012 – Tbilisi (Georgia)
- Zend Framework 2 per lo sviluppo di applicazioni web (slides in Italian)
Codemotion 2012 – Venice (Italy)
- Design Pattern Bootcamp (slides)
Cryptography made easy with ZF2 (slides)
ZF2 and Symfony2: the perfect team (slides)
ZendCon 2012 – Santa Clara (USA)
- A quick start on Zend Framework 2 (slides – audio)
Dutch PHP Conference 2012 – Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- A quick start on Zend Framework 2 (slides – video)
PHP Forum Paris 2012 – Paris (France)
- Password security: how to generate and store passwords in a secure way (slides)
Metro Olografix Hacker Camp 2012 – Pescara (Italy)
- Come integrare Zend Framework in WordPress (slides in Italian)
WordPress Conference 2012 – Turin (Italy)
- Le novità di Zend Framework 2 (video in Italian) Release Party – Roma (Italy)
- A quick start on Zend Framework 2 (slides)
phpDay 2012 – Verona (Italy)
- Zend Framework 2 quick start (slides – video)
ZFConf 2012 – Moscow (Russia)
- Develop mobile web application with Zend Framework (slides in Italian)
PHP Goes Mobile 2012 – Milan (Italy)
- Zend Framework 2: state of the art
PHP Tour Lille 2011 – Lille (France)
- Cryptography in PHP: use cases (slides)
ZendCon 2011 – Santa Clara (USA)
- Manage cloud infrastructures in PHP using Zend Framework 2 (and ZF1) (slides)
International PHP Conference 2011 – Mainz (Germany)
- Zend Framework 2: state of the art
PHP North West 2011 – Manchester (UK)
- Strong cryptography in PHP (Slideshare)
Dutch PHP Conference 2011 – Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- Introduzione alla PEC: le regole tecniche (slides in Italian)
CrittoPEC 2011 – Department of Mathematics, University of Trento (Italy)
- Leveraging the open source applications ecosystem with IBM i
Common Europe Conference 2011 – Milan (Italy)
- Zend Framework 2.0
phpDay 2011 – Verona (Italy)
- Simple Cloud API: accesso semplificato al cloud computing
WebTech Conference 2010 – Milano (Italy)
- How to scale PHP applications (slides)
PHP Barcelona Conference 2010 – Barcelona (Spain)
- Business value of PHP
Data3 Conference 2010 – Utsikten, Nynashamn (Sweden)
- Velocizzare Joomla! con Zend Server Community Edition (slides in Italian)
JoomlaDay 2010 – Verona (Italy)
- Getting started with PHP on IBM i
Common Europe Conference 2010 – Stratford-upon-Avon (UK)
- Caching in PHP: get better performance for your web applications
PHPDay 2010 – Corropoli, Teramo (Italy)
- Zend_Cache: how to improve the performance of PHP applications (slides)
PHP Barcelona Conference 2009 – Barcelona (Spain)
- Zend_Dojo: l’integrazione della libreria Dojo nello Zend Framework
PHPCon 2009 – Roma (Italy)
- Architecting & Building a Multi-Country Mobile User Community
Zend PHP Conference & Expo 2008 – Santa Clara (USA)
- La firma digitale e le sue possibili applicazioni (slides in Italian)
Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica 2008 – Pescara (Italy)
- La sicurezza delle applicazioni in PHP (slides in Italian – video in Italian)
PHPDay 2007 – Verona (Italy)
- XCheck: a platform for benchmarking XQuery engines (demonstration)
VLDB 2006 – Seul (South Korea)
- A logic-based approach to cache answerability for XPath queries (slides)
XSym 2006 – Seul (South Korea)
- A new cryptographic hash function based on the cellular automaton rule 30 (slides)
New Kind Of Science 2006 – Brown University, Providence (USA)
- XCheck, a benchmark checker for XML query processors (slides)
Università “G.D’Annunzio” 2006 – Pescara (Italy)
- Risoluzione efficiente di interrogazioni XPath su documenti XML con attributi e riferimenti (slides in Italian)
Università “G.D’Annunzio” 2005 – Pescara (Italy)
- Crittografia quantistica: fantascienza o realtà? (slides in Italian)
Metro Olografix Hacker Camp – 2004 – Pescara (Italy)
- Uno sguardo alla crittografia moderna (slides in Italian)
Liceo scientifico "Nicolò Copernico" – 2004 – Brescia (Italy)
- Misure minime di sicurezza informatica del nuovo codice della privacy (D.Lgs. 196/2003) (slides in Italian) 2004 – Padova (Italy)
- Introduzione allo sviluppo di applicazioni sicure (slides in Italian)
Linux Day 2003 – Teramo (Italy)
- PHP e crittografia: introduzione all’utilizzo delle librerie mcrypt e mhash (slides in Italian)
PHPDay 2003 – Università “Tor Vergata” Roma (Italy)
- Il progetto GnuPG e la crittografia Open Source (slides in Italian)
Metro Olografix Crypto Meeting 2003 – Pescara (Italy)
- Crittografia è sinonimo di sicurezza? (slides in Italian)
RoboCup 2003 – Padova (Italy)
- Navigare… in sicurezza, come non cadere nelle trappole della rete (slides in Italian)
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei 2003 – Roma (Italy)
- Introduzione alle tabelle hash (slides in Italian)
Università degli Studi “G.d’Annunzio” 2003 – Pescara (Italy)
- Mantenere i propri segreti: l’utilizzo della crittografia da parte del professionista (slides in Italian)
Italian Cyberspace Law Conference 2002 – Bologna (Italy)
- Crittografia Open Source ed il progetto GnuPG (PDF 532 Kb)
Linux Day 2002 – Facoltà di Scienze – Università dell’Aquila (Italy)
- Un’introduzione alla crittografia Open Source (slides in Italian)
Smau 2002 – Ethical Hacker’s Speech, II – Milano (Italy)
- Come affidare la privacy ad un’equazione matematica (slides in Italian)
Mensa Brain 2002 – Francavilla al Mare, Chieti (Italy)
- Introduzione alla crittografia ed alla crittoanalisi (slides in Italian)
Webbit 2002 – Padova (Italy)
- La crittografia nell’era Internet (slides in Italian)
Italian Web Awards 2002 – Francavilla al Mare, Chieti (Italy)
- Un’introduzione alla crittografia ed alla crittoanalisi (slides in Italian)
Italian Cyberspace Law Conference 2001 – Bologna (Italy)
- Il progetto GnuPg e la crittografia Open Source (slides in Italian)
LiMe 2000 – Università “La Sapienza” di Roma (Italy)
- Il progetto GnuPg e la crittografia Open Source (slides in Italian)
Linux Meeting 2000 – Università di Bologna (Italy)
- Introduzione agli aspetti tecnico/matematici della crittografia (slides in Italian)
HackMeeting 2000 – Roma (Italy)