by Enrico Zimuel
Principal Software Engineer @ Elastic
PUG Torino, Jun 23, 2021
![]() |
* under discussion
Enum represents a collection of constant values
enum Currency {
case GBP;
case EUR;
class Product {
function __construct(
private string $name,
private float $amount,
private Currency $currency) {
$a = new Product('Green', 5.50, Currency::EUR); // enum(Currency::EUR)
$b = new Product('Red', 6.20, "EUR"); // Fatal error
enum Currency: string {
case GBP = '£'; // string or int
case EUR = '€';
$currency = Currency::EUR;
var_dump($currency->value); // €
var_dump($currency->name); // EUR
var_dump(Currency::from('€')); // enum(Currency::EUR)
var_dump(Currency::tryFrom('$')); // NULL
enum Currency: string {
case GBP = '£';
case EUR = '€';
array(2) {
enum Currency: string {
case GBP = '£';
case EUR = '€';
public function format (float $amount)
$pattern = match ($this) {
Currency::GBP => "{$this->value} %.2f",
Currency::EUR => "%.2f {$this->value}",
return sprintf($pattern, $amount);
$cur = Currency::GBP;
echo $cur->format(42.75); // £ 42.75
enum Currency: string {
case GBP = '£'; // string or int
case EUR = '€';
static public function fromLocale (string $locale)
return match($locale) {
'nl_NL' => static::EUR,
'it_IT' => static::EUR,
'en_GB' => static::GBP,
$cur = Currency::fromLocale('it_IT');
echo $cur->value; // €
final class Fiber
public function __construct(callable $callback) {}
public function start(mixed ...$args): mixed {}
public function resume(mixed $value = null): mixed {}
public function getReturn(): mixed {}
public function throw(Throwable $exception): mixed {}
public function isStarted(): bool {}
public function isSuspended(): bool {}
public function isRunning(): bool {}
public function isTerminated(): bool {}
public static function suspend(mixed $value = null): mixed {}
public static function getCurrent(): ?self {}
$fiber = new Fiber(function (): void {
$value = Fiber::suspend('fiber');
echo "Value used to resume fiber: ", $value, "\n";
$value = $fiber->start();
echo "Value from fiber suspending: ", $value, "\n";
// Value from fiber suspending: fiber
// Value used to resume fiber: test
$files = [
'source/1.png' => 'dest/a.png',
'source/2.png' => 'dest/b.png',
'source/3.png' => 'dest/c.png',
$fiber = new Fiber(function(array $files): void {
foreach($files as $source => $destination) {
copy($source, $destination);
Fiber::suspend([$source, $destination]);
$copied = $fiber->start($files); // [$source, $destination]
$copied_count = 1;
$total_count = count($files);
while(!$fiber->isTerminated()) {
$perc = round($copied_count / $total_count, 2) * 100;
printf("[%d%%]: '%s' to '%s'\n", $perc, $copied[0], $copied[1]);
$copied = $fiber->resume();
// [33%]: 'source/1.png' to 'dest/a.png'
// [67%]: 'source/2.png' to 'dest/b.png'
// [100%]: 'source/3.png' to 'dest/c.png'
// Completed
function redirect(string $uri): never {
header ('Location: ' . $uri);
echo "This will never be executed!";
function redirect(string $uri): never {
header ('Location: ' . $uri);
// Fatal error: never-returning function must not implicitly return
echo "This will never be executed!";
array_is_list() returns whether a given array is an array with all sequential integers starting from 0
$array = [4, 12, 3];
var_dump(array_is_list($array)); // true
$array = [0 => 'a', 1 => 'b'];
var_dump(array_is_list($array)); // true
$array = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bad'];
var_dump(array_is_list($array)); // false
$array = [0 => 'apple', 2 => 'bar'];
var_dump(array_is_list($array)); // false
$file = 'test.txt';
$fh = fopen($file, 'w');
fwrite($fh, 'test data');
fwrite($fh, "\r\n");
fwrite($fh, 'additional data');
class Universe
final public const SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299_458_792;
class RingSpace extends Universe
public const SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 12_758;
// Fatal error: RingSpace::SPEED_OF_LIGHT cannot override
// final constant Universe::SPEED_OF_LIGHT
* Not available in PHP 8.1.0alpha1
* under discussion
In PHP 8.0
class Foo {
private Logger $logger;
public function __construct(?Logger $logger = null)
$this->logger = $logger ?? new NullLogger;
In PHP 8.1
class Foo {
public function __construct(private Logger $logger = new NullLogger)
Static variables
function counter() {
static $i = new Counter;
class Repository {
const DB = new Database(dsn: 'sqlite://:memory:');
class A {
public static function counter() {
static $i = 0;
return ++$i;
class B extends A {}
printf ("%d %d %d %d",
// PHP <= 8.0, 1 2 1 2
// PHP >= 8.1, 1 2 3 4
Follow me: @ezimuel
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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
I used reveal.js to make this presentation.